Friday, 25 September 2009

A Parallel Universe - London Fashion Week 2009

After "winning" the so-called golden ticket to none other than London Fashion week, Violet and I were beside ourselves with excitement as to what to wear and we plotted and planned around the following day's activities. What is a girl supposed to do hearing that she is going to an event riddled with society's who's who and fashionistas galore just the day before?
I rushed home on Friday and raced straight into my bedroom and desperately opened my cupboards hoping to find some kind of "Pandora's box" imagining I would find some hidden creation that I had forgotten about or be inspired to concoct something gorgeous to don the following day. I savagely attached my hangers as I trawled through my enormous and sardine packed built in cupboards only to find that I had a never ending supply of average and ill fitting (super tight) clothing that are destined for the charity shop. Holy crap, when did my clothes all suddenly start hating me so much that now feel the need to strangle me into oblivion? I had no option but to go on a frantic operation fashionista mission to the shops with Violet on Saturday morning a few hours before the event to see what I could find.

Violet, little Miss Hot Body, obviously found a "second option" number to wear but oh dear my situation was dire. Eventually after sending Violet home to start primping and buffing I raced off to yet another shopping mall to find whatever ever it was that I was looking for.
Eventually I had to settle, and what I got was a black 60s style tunic to wear over apparently leg lengthening and slimming black trousers. These bloody pants stopped just short of slicing and dicing me in half, thank God the tunic covered the nether regions!

Violet and I felt terribly glamorous and changed into our fancy shoes just before we walked into the venue, Somerset House. Our mouths were gaped open wide like really little farm girls seeing the city lights for the first time. We had crossed over into some parallel universe of uber coolness, colour and opulence and clearly we were foreigners in our safe but apparently sad black outfits. I think the only thing that made us slightly fabulous was Violet's thick mane of flaming red hair and my sparkling enormous diamante broach.

We found ourselves sitting in the third row, gawking at each and every creation that sashayed past our eyes and I am just talking about the guests. The flurry of flashbulbs were blinding as the celebrities arrived one by one until it was time to unveil the beautiful pure white catwalk, turn the lights down low and await judgement day for the poor young designer in the making.

One by one the stick insects (aka size zero models) crawled up the catwalk covered in sequence which looked almost too heavy for their frail frames. Violet and I were in hysterics, clicking our cameras making sure we had some sort of proof that we were there, although Violet almost had an aneurysm as her camera battery decided to die right there and then - tragic!

Was the show any good? we did not really care, we just wanted to analyse the experience and people watch over a bottle of wine. Much to our horror, we discovered that there was no wine on sale - can you get a load of that? Clearly this parallel universe is not a place I would like to live in, besides drowning in the air kissing, the camp 'performance art' and the exclusive air that is suffocating - they did not have a bottle of wine in sight!
Violet and I kept going in our glad rags and found a sanctuary in a local bar, drinking cocktails, eating Nachos and revisiting every second of the event.

I have decided that London Fashion week is definitely an invitation a Goddess wants front row seats to but I have to admit, the celebrity posing, the plastics and the over top try hards are far more entertaining than the precious designs on the catwalk.
The effort and the panic that went into finding just my one "number" for Saturday's event was rather painful and I definitely won't be applying for a visa to this odd world anytime soon.

I went to work on the Monday, I so proud of myself for securing these rare and sought after tickets to fashion week and shared details of the show with my colleagues. I was secretly pleased thinking - thank God I did not have a whole week of shows to attend as my wardrobe would not cope and I didn't think I had one more fabulous outfit in me. On walking back to my desk much to my mixed emotions of sheer horror and delight there it was....another shiny and beautiful golden ticket.....

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Princess and the Points

Princess - will be a guest blogger for today as she has decided to ceremoniously give up counting calories! She will continue to be a Goddess but without the stress of a weekly weigh in!
Princess is my partner in crime and I could say we dice each other on our very unstable wagons time and time again... in fact on telling Princess I had spectacularly fallen off the wagon once again last week she replied... "That bloody wagon needs shoulder straps, seat belts and airbags" x

Oh what an honour to be invited for a guest appearance to all ye long suffering blog spotters! Although I have commented on blogs before, this is new... so please be gentle with me, I'm just a not-so-small-but-ever-so-innocent girl going the whole way for the first time! I regret to advise that the Princess has decided its all over. Never before I have come so far, yet lost so little. The faithful fat fighters have been incredible with encouragement, the slimming society as I know it have seduced me to salads but the cupcake crew have continued to tempt and taunt me. Even an island holiday within near sight cannot keep me on track. The "Grecian Thoughts" have prevented me from sneaking into the chippie on the cooler days, they've even halted me entering MaccieD's for a quick hangover bacon roll but as the holiday approaches, my willpower has diminished into oblivion. This warm weather weekend found my boyfriend, housemates and me on the sofas playing boardgames, drinking wine and ordering pizza delivery until unsociable hours of the morning. We even prepared ourselves by sending said boyfriend to the garage shop to stock up on crisps, cola, chocolates and popcorn, just in case we fancied anything later and promptly settled in for the night. That was before the pizzas, garlic bread, potato wedges and sour cream dip were delivered slap bang in the middle of the X (cringe) Factor - my new guilty pleasure! We will be joining boyfriend's family on the Greek island of Lesbos. Not been on holiday with the "in-laws" before.... I have met them several times - in fact step-father-in-law was one of the reasons I attended my first WWF(aka Weight Watchers) meetings in the first place. His comments leave me no doubt I am the fattest person he has ever met - not sure if his hippie heart will cope with me in a bathing suit whether its a comfy cozzie or bulging bikini. Minx has very kindly lent me some forgiving items from her wardrobe (I love having a fashionista friend!) some of which are far too small but I'm flattered that she thought they might possibly, just maybe even fit! So this week will be my last visit to WWF. Considering I have attended religiously (better than my church attendance!) and spent a minimum £139.50 on meeting fees and the odd branded snack item in the last 5 months and lost barely 1.5lbs per MONTH - not the success rate I or my leader were looking for! Would rather save up for lipo! On that note, its been a pleasure, have a good week and will think of you, G&T in hand, knowing its POINTless! xxx

Friday, 18 September 2009

The Golden ticket!

Today I feel like Veruca Salt after finding my golden ticket to visit the legendary Willy Wonkers! Only my golden ticket just happens to be row 3 seats for .... wait for it.... a catwalk show at London Fashion Week ! Major pandemonium has erupted as the tickets are for tomorrow at 17h30 and considering my wardrobe is riddled with outdated and slightly boring practical numbers I have to work miracles in the next 24 hours. Yes I know, it is not about me and the press certainly will not be interested in my arrival however, I plan on looking like a fashionista in my own budget on a shoe string kind of way! 'Violet', my partner in crime and the second lucky winner of the golden ticket is as excited as I am and we plan on making a day of it! I am sure there will be plenty of wine, celeb spotting and gossiping... I cannot wait. I am going to have to put Weight Watchers on the back burner for tomorrow as when one is so fortunate to attend such an exclusive event, one must drink wine to celebrate!

I had the dreaded weigh in this week - Princess convinced me to go along with her and face the music. There was no major movement I am sad to say but at least I am down 0.4kgs which means I only have 9.6kgs to go (yawn!) This is going to be a long and rocky road. Princess gained a pound and declared on leaving the delightful little church where we weigh in (how appropriate for confession session) that she would like to "abandon ship" and give up trying to lose weight as she is tired of seeing no change! During my last attempt at Weight Watchers, I went religiously for about 2 months on a weekly basis to weigh in however, my weight kept creeping up! I read in the Weight Watchers magazine that as long as I kept going to the meetings I would be fine and eventually reach goal!? FYI That is so incorrect - this has been tried and tested by me a few times.... one has to physically stop eating the chocolates, drinking the wine and cut out the snacking!

Well regardless of what the scale says - tomorrow I plan on looking like a Goddess and Goddesses come in all shapes and sizes! I will savour the moment of being a guest at London Fashion week's 25th anniversary and nothing is going to ruin my day. Yes fine there won't be skinny jeans but I will think of something whilst this damn body of mine is under construction!

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

The Skinny Gods are watching me!

It is one day before the weigh in. I was feeling terribly confident until 15h00 yesterday afternoon. I was tired and sleepy and possibly a bit grumpy and before I knew it, not only had I nicked jelly babies and fruit gums from the treat table in the office but I was the blimmen caterer! I actually got up from my desk, caught a lift, walked out the front door and to the shops, purchased two bags of sweets, came all the way back up 6 floors, opened the sweets and grabbed a massive hand full of jelly babies and dumped them on the treat table before my conscience set in! Post temporary insanity, I sat in awe of myself trying to work out how many jelly babies and fruit gums had passed my lips and then tried to frantically count the points until I decided to give up.
My trusted Weight Watcher's confidant (Princess) and long time friend suggested a quick drink after work to catch up and drown our sorrows. It was a fabulous idea and fatty mentality led me to believe that I had already screwed up I may as well relax and catch up with my old friend but besides that, it was the eve of my sister and brother-in-laws birthdays so a glass of wine to celebrate was in order ...any excuse for a drink! To end off I even ordered a half price plate of potato wedges for us to share, it was deliciously smothered in cheese and bacon and just out of nowhere, as if the skinny Gods watching me, I singed my pallet on a wedge and crikey it is painful!
Princess and I compared notes on our week's efforts....she has consumed too much cheese and I have too many sweets so tomorrow I am afraid it could go either way. I am praying for a loss, I somehow believe that if I am a complete angel today the dial on the scale may just go in my favour - hold thumbs people...

PS. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKINNYPANTS - lucky for you, you have the perfect excuse to overindulge without a care in the world!

Friday, 11 September 2009

Dangling a grape...

Happy Friday!
Thank heavens there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It is midday Friday and I am yet to ruin my Weight Watchers point counting!
I have resisted two trays of Krispy Kreme donuts, two bags of Maltesers
and two packets of biscuits on the snack table!
Well if I have to be really honest, I had some Maltesers, but like a little angel I counted them into my daily points allowance.
I have only got something like 4 points left for the rest of the day so my supper is going to be interesting as I am sure the 15h00 afternoon hunger attack will get me good and proper and then for supper I will be left with a bland and extremely boring veggie platter! The thought of having a veggie platter and no wine on a Friday night makes me feel rather ill. The only way I get to have a glass of wine, is to do some exercise and get myself some bonus and guilt free points to add to my daily 18. So to all you Londoners, if you see a desperate jogger gasping for air, looking terribly parched and doing speedy laps around Earlsfield (aka Earlsvegas) this evening, please wave, it will be me on a wine run... so much for dangling a carrot - dangling a grape seems to much more effective! (Princess, I know you are with me on this).

Plans for this weekend are simple.... to stay on the frikking wagon at all costs! (Why wagons don't have seatbelts God only knows)

Thursday, 10 September 2009

A barrel of laughs....

I went to Weight Watchers last night to see the damage... and it was not good news! At least I am back in the game and ready for action. My mind has been elsewhere and my waistline has suffered! The Black Mamba (aka my boss) put the fear of God into me last week with her tirades and tantrums! It is her fault, she pushed me over the edge and straight onto the treat table and into the chocolate brownies. My Rescue Remedy spray was being used every 10 minutes in an attempt to calm myself down and numb my tongue to prevent any wicked retaliation escaping my lips. From the Rescue Remedy overdose and Velcro tongue syndrome (similar feeling to the morning after the night before) I insisted on snacking to get rid of the awful taste. Let me think .... can I blame anything or anybody else?

My turning point of my downward spiral was going out for dinner on Monday night. It was a delightful Italian restaurant, I was with my boyfriend, his brother and wife and a whole bunch of old friends from my school year. The class genius and the class stud joined us with their better halves. Genius brought his fiancé, blondie, quite loud, bubbly and made it clear that "she had just had a killer spin class" - yawn! My poor suffering boyfriend squeezed my leg in a kind of acknowledgment as if to say "yes I am aware you also did your killer spin class today - well done you!"
Stud brought his new girlfriend ... she looked about twelve, had a chiseled little elfin face with the most exquisite features which of course created the perfect canvas for her designer get up. The rest of the party arrived in dribs and drabs. I ordered my little carafe of white wine and was loving life and chatting ever so nicely. I ordered my meal and was determined to have something different so I chose a Calzone. When my meal arrived everyone was in awe of its large size. I just wanted to shout out, "it is the same bloody size as yours people, mine is just folded over so it is just looks bigger" dimwits! I suddenly felt a bit complexed and scanned the table at all the other WAGS - not a drop of alcohol to be seen... just sparkling water and salads. I whispered to my boyfriend... "Oh me God, I am a little piggy, I am the only one drinking and eating a bloody massive Calzone" - he just laughed and told me I was way more fun!
Thanks for the compliment my man but it got me thinking...jeepers am I like one of those people who is "a barrel of laughs" or "a ton of fun" - aka the chubster who provides entertainment for all the sad skinny people sipping on their sparkling water?

I cannot wait to one day go to a dinner party, look like a million dollars and feast on all the good food and wine. I won't be a boring and order a salad and look pained whilst admiring everyone else's plates. For once, I will be one of those irritating but glamorous woman that everybody admires - a skinny bitch with an appetite!

(Note to self: I must remember losing weight will not make me taller. My vision of me at goal weight is a bit delluded as I see myself with these long legs that go on for miles but.... so not what my Mamma gave me!)

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Climbing "Everest"

Hello world, I am back and ready for the next challenge! Indeed it took numerous pep talks and wine but now I am ready to jump on that stupid wagon (origin) once again and show you all what I am made and reveal this very resistant Goddess. So many people have achieved greatness.... written symphonies, climbed Everest, survived starvation in Ethiopia (God forbid), run marathons, conquered drug addictions and fought wars but this tart over here has a problem with losing 10 kilograms! Humiliating!

So what have I been doing, to make this "it"...the time I actually do it and climb "my Everest" you may ask.....

1) I have been clean (without chocolate, sweets, cake and crisps) for 2 days and to top that off I have hit the gym 3 mornings in a row (going for 5 days solid)
2) Tomorrow I am going to Weight Watchers with my bizarre collection of fat fighting friends to weigh in and face the music!
3) I have stocked up with Rescue Remedy so that the venomous words of Black Mamba (my boss) float right over my head and do not make me attack the snack table at work!
4) I have made plans for the next two weekends that do not revolve around the dreaded grape - dry white wine (my kryptonite)
5) and finally.... my partner in crime (my boyfriend) is away for two weeks so no Ben & Jerry's or dinner dates... (booh hoo)

Tomorrow the countdown begins.... but dammit, I need my Sherpas!

Foxy are you reading me? Princess are you there? Come ladies, lets do it!

All I am saying is that the view better be bloody marvellous from the top ... I would have taken long enough to get there!
Sir Edmund Hillary took 7 weeks.... and me? 31 bloody years!

Friday, 4 September 2009

Rising from the ashes

What a week it has been... dealing with the wrath of the Black Mamba, juggling social engagements, good news...bad news and drama!
I am counting the hours until the close of day and then I will be thinking happy thoughts and leaving the office for the entire weekend.
The wagon has well and truly driven off into the sunset without me although I am hoping it will come around again on Monday to pick me up once again... I think I am just having "a technical problem" - I will get it right one of these days and stay on the wagon once and for all!

The boyfriend is going on holiday to South Africa so I will be in London and boy oh boy I am going to hit the gym hard, stay clear away from Ben and Jerrys, curries, wine and eating out! I am hoping to conduct my own mini "boot camp" while he is away and feel fabulous by the time he returns. You know when you get to that point when your shirt buttons are taking a bit of strain and you constantly are pulling down your top to ensure your midrift is not on display? That is where I am at - I just want to put my tracki pants on so I don't feel any hint of being 'vacuumed packed' like I currently do!
I will miss my boyfriend while he is gone however 'there is always sun after the rain'.... the morning after he leaves the country, there is a brand new Sainsburys (Spar equivalent) opening just around the corner! Oh dear, I actually have to walk passed it to go home but not to worry I will be super psyched for "boot camp" and will try not to veer down the crisp aisle or venture anywhere near the bakery!

I know I have been quiet and have quite possibly lost my "mojo" to some degree however, I am getting my Goddess factor back!
Just today... I turned down a burger lunch and tonight I am having fish and vegetables for dinner, please people that has got to count for something! In the words of Stefano from "Days of our Lives" fame - "Like a phoenix, I will rise from the ashes"....I will just dust myself off and try again... and again.... and again - until I get it right!

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Back to the Grindstone

Apologies for going AWOL but what can I say, it was long weekend and well there was lots of fun to be had. Of course, once again the "Battle of the Belly" was a bugger and did not go very well....

Friday night: I went out with boyfriend and his family - lots of wine to celebrate the reunion and then to end the night we devoured Kentucky Fried Chicken rounders and chips at 2am!! In a grape induced moment I even got annoyed with my man for eating most of the chips! So embarrassing!

Saturday: SA versus Australia rugby - so there were Fritos (crisps), plenty of biltong and Savannahs! Then for the evening a big night in with risotto and yes.... Ben and Jerrys (not my fault, it was on sale for £1.99)

Unbelievably got roped into doing my worst thing ever "going for coffee" - A) super boring and B) I hate coffee and am not particularly partial to tea either. I met the girls just after 11am and after a cup of tea and speaking rubbish it took us all the way to 12h00 - drinks time!! So we headed off to a wine bar and had the most delightful time analysing world tension and had further intellectual chit chat over Nachos and some decent grapes. More wine was consumed post wine bar at home with my housemate accompanied by a curry, cous cous and Haribos.

Monday: The Bank Holiday
Oh nothing major - my boyfriend and I just completely overindulged on copious amounts of sushi!
On Monday evening I even googled "over eaters anonymous" I was relived to see I am not quite in that category despite the inability to stick to my bloody weight loss programme and reach my bloody target which is only 10 kilograms away - what is my problem?

Yesterday I was back to the grindstone much to my horror and then as my boss would say... "the sh*t came falling from the sky". Everything that could go wrong went wrong... I even went spinning to try and get the endorphins pumping and cheer myself up!!
Did you hear that? I went to gym to cheer myself up - can I can top marks for the most improved fat kid please?

Today Black Mamba has returned from her mini break and has moved my desk so that I sit right under her right nostril. BM is now right behind me so she can see every move I make - it is painful! Crikey she is loud and screechy and driving me to drink. On Friday she even took me out to lunch - I regret no promotion or raise to speak of but rather she was sussing me out and trying to get me to "fess" up with all the team gossip. I was in such a predicament... say nothing and she does not trust me again and say too much and risk her firing me. I chose middle ground and just offered some random comments but I was most irritated because I felt it was so unprofessional of her however.... you heard of karma and bad fairies?

BM had to go to the loo so she popped into a local pub on our way back to the office. I was standing at the entrance waiting for her. BM was taking forever so I just casually walked closer to the loo and noticed a little gold plaque saying "gents" on the door. He he he! There BM was, stuck in the men's toilets on the loo and was in a complete panic as she could hear all men's voices and could see them using the urinal through the crack in the door!