Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Back to the Grindstone

Apologies for going AWOL but what can I say, it was long weekend and well there was lots of fun to be had. Of course, once again the "Battle of the Belly" was a bugger and did not go very well....

Friday night: I went out with boyfriend and his family - lots of wine to celebrate the reunion and then to end the night we devoured Kentucky Fried Chicken rounders and chips at 2am!! In a grape induced moment I even got annoyed with my man for eating most of the chips! So embarrassing!

Saturday: SA versus Australia rugby - so there were Fritos (crisps), plenty of biltong and Savannahs! Then for the evening a big night in with risotto and yes.... Ben and Jerrys (not my fault, it was on sale for £1.99)

Unbelievably got roped into doing my worst thing ever "going for coffee" - A) super boring and B) I hate coffee and am not particularly partial to tea either. I met the girls just after 11am and after a cup of tea and speaking rubbish it took us all the way to 12h00 - drinks time!! So we headed off to a wine bar and had the most delightful time analysing world tension and had further intellectual chit chat over Nachos and some decent grapes. More wine was consumed post wine bar at home with my housemate accompanied by a curry, cous cous and Haribos.

Monday: The Bank Holiday
Oh nothing major - my boyfriend and I just completely overindulged on copious amounts of sushi!
On Monday evening I even googled "over eaters anonymous" I was relived to see I am not quite in that category despite the inability to stick to my bloody weight loss programme and reach my bloody target which is only 10 kilograms away - what is my problem?

Yesterday I was back to the grindstone much to my horror and then as my boss would say... "the sh*t came falling from the sky". Everything that could go wrong went wrong... I even went spinning to try and get the endorphins pumping and cheer myself up!!
Did you hear that? I went to gym to cheer myself up - can I can top marks for the most improved fat kid please?

Today Black Mamba has returned from her mini break and has moved my desk so that I sit right under her right nostril. BM is now right behind me so she can see every move I make - it is painful! Crikey she is loud and screechy and driving me to drink. On Friday she even took me out to lunch - I regret no promotion or raise to speak of but rather she was sussing me out and trying to get me to "fess" up with all the team gossip. I was in such a predicament... say nothing and she does not trust me again and say too much and risk her firing me. I chose middle ground and just offered some random comments but I was most irritated because I felt it was so unprofessional of her however.... you heard of karma and bad fairies?

BM had to go to the loo so she popped into a local pub on our way back to the office. I was standing at the entrance waiting for her. BM was taking forever so I just casually walked closer to the loo and noticed a little gold plaque saying "gents" on the door. He he he! There BM was, stuck in the men's toilets on the loo and was in a complete panic as she could hear all men's voices and could see them using the urinal through the crack in the door!

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