Thursday 29 October 2009

Awaking the Goddess within

So it feels like it has been about 100 years since I last blogged! I have been completely consumed (under duress) in my daily routine of booking meetings, dodging venom from the Black Mamba (aka the boss), then trying to track her down (she always goes AWOL) and generally trying to make her life easier that I never seem to find a moment to breathe! The Black Mamba made it very clear this week, in our 121, that I should not be disillusioned in thinking that my job is at all about me as it is of course, as luck would have it, it is all about her! Infact, the BM has been so demanding of late, she would like me to be on call 24 hours a day and also reduce my pay mmm let me think about that idea .... not a chance in hell!
Whenever the "daily grind" decides to push me to the edge of temporary insanity and close to screaming obscenities, I walk briskly to the printer and paper hub and do some serious shredding!! Shredding is hellava therapeutic and whilst destroying company documents my "fight stripes" - (flaming hot pink stripes on each cheek caused by intense aggravation) ease off and cool down and eventually after about two reams of paper, I am good to go and ready to take on the world and the big bad bully all over again...

On a happier note... I am very much back on the wagon and it appears I may be mastering the art of staying on the wagon for longer than a day at a time before crashing, burning and falling off however... the scale begs to differ and tells a bit of a different story. I have been lead to believe (through my own experience), that everyday over the age of 30 acts as a kind of cement to stubborn pounds! I run, I spin, I stretch, I do lunges, I do squats and say no to the grape (only on Saturdays now - can you believe it?) but still the tyre around my waist won't bloody budge! Why Aphrodite, why me?

I had no idea becoming a Goddess would be so damn difficult or involve blood, sweat and tears! I mean, I thought my "Goddess factor" was just kind of lying dormant and simply required a bit of prodding and poking to awake from 31 years of beauty sleep. That is good going hey- 31 years! So when my "Goddess factor" awakes... watch out world - here I come!

Staying clear away from the wine is definitely helping my mission. Yes, it is an enormous sacrifice but it must be done.
The wait now between each bottle of wine is 6 days - can you imagine... it even tastes better than before which I did not think was possible however... it does make me sillier than before!
Saturdays have become my day to run riot, drink like a sailor, swear like a trooper and eat like a pig..... oh such bliss and only two more sleeps!!!

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