Monday 27 July 2009

Breaking news.... I rolled off the wagon!

Forgive me people.... I have a confession...
I was not the chubby sad kid in the corner nibbling on my carrot sticks and vodka and soda this weekend so please do not feel sorry for me, I was the chubby but extremely happy kid, drinking my cocktails and dominating the dance floor at our Summer Party.
I woke up on Sunday morning, not feeling so fabulous (25 000 calories later) and I was feeling rather bad about not only drinking the most fattening bev of all time but also devouring some mini pies, crisps and of course a variety of other snacks. At the time, I felt that it was my 'duty' to eat what was available as I needed to line my stomach. My intentions were good, I started off on the fruit kebabs and then then I don't know.... my hand accidentally landed up in the pastries! disaster!
A bite of reality got me on Sunday morning.... like a thorn in my side, I remembered I had my boyfriend's cousin's christening to attend.
The idea of getting all dressed up to impress the family and go to church filled me with dread however, I did it and put on a pretty good show I think. My head was pounding owing the to absolute hysteria that was going on by the abundance of tiny kids and standing up to sing Morning has Broken with my voice 5 octaves lower than normal was not my finest moment.
After the christening we all popped over to the church Hall where there was a huge spread for all guests. My boyfriend was having a laugh at me as I needed to sit down, it was a combination of factors really, high heels, headache, screaming children, loads of strangers and church after a massive party! Then you know what it (the boyfriend) does.... it has a chuckle with its aunt and says "ooh she is feeling a bit rough, she had a big night last night" what? Why did I not just roll out of bed and arrive at the Church wearing my outfit from the night before with the chocolate sauce down my skirt! There I was putting on my finest behaviour and he just goes and negates it in 5 seconds flat.
I did have a wonderful day after all, but my wagon whizzed right past me on Sunday (once again), without me getting on it. I was starving and tucked into a couple of treats (including cheese cake) to keep me going as church ended up to be an all day family gathering!
I did feel very bad on Sunday night but I suppose one cannot be a complete bore and avoid social situations because one is on Operation Goddess. It is okay to have a bit of fun and let your hair down on the weekend. I did find my wagon this morning and climbed straight back onto it. I am pleased to say I had a weigh in this morning and have lost 0.8kg. I was a bit disappointed, I was hoping to have lost all 10kgs in one week but... ho hum better luck next time.
BM (aka Black Mamba) is back from her holidays, I am writing this under high pressure and on high alert, the scary witch has a tendency to sneak up to me at any given and unexpected moment!

1 comment:

  1. HA HA HA, too funny! Glad you fell of the wagon AND managed to get back on in one piece!
