Thursday 20 August 2009

Black Mamba versus the Wicked Witch of Waterloo

I started off (this is now two days running) with a morning spin class.
Extremely skinny sinewy gym buddy is definitely not my conscience.... I don't think even my conscience would not be that thin.
The poor thing grunts and groans, gasps like she is taking her last breaths on earth and her 'barely there' skin looks like it is under the most enormous strain stretching over her ribcage. Surely the gym cannot allow this stick insect to exercise so vigorously, I am pretty scared she is going to break and she is bloody well going to inspire me to eat more one of these days!
That woman gives me a fright every time I see her... somebody, give her a burger!

Today is going brilliantly If I don't say so myself. I have only had watermelon and cereal and that is it people and the time is 12h42!
This has to be a breakthrough. I have not snacked on a single thing! I did open my draw and look for a snack at 10am but luckily all my treats are done and I only have 20 pence in my wallet so.... I have been a little angel by default and I don't care - I am going to claim it.
Black Mamba is a bit manic today and zipping around like a bat out of hell. Today, however, all her venomous words and snipes are aimed at the CEO's PA, Evilena, The Wicked Witch of Waterloo! Evilena is a swear word around these parts and rumour has it if she crosses your path, you have 7 years bad luck! Black Mamba and Evilena are literally arch enemies and have "hargy bargys" on a regular basis. I have to admit, as a result of my Stockholm Syndrome, I end up fighting and defending "team Black Mamba" as if my life depended on it - it really is so sad. The good thing is when Evilena is up to her tricks.... my day becomes freed up to daydream, fictitious shop and talk to the "cool kids" in the office. On days like these I bond so nicely with Black Mamba - she is like a long lost friend as I am all ears for her rants about Evilena in her office whilst the "cool kids" try desperately to hear any clues as to what is going on (obviously I tell them) but only when BM is nowhere in sight! Ah the joys and the good entertainment value of days like these!

Seriously no joke - Evilena is looking for me, if she leads me into temptation by inducing stress I will have to hurt her!!


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